TEL : 0980-83-1550

Moving Discoveries! Enjoy the fullest!

Visit us and see the phenomenal beauty of the fastest growing stalactites in all of Japan. The Ishigaki Island Stalactite Cave was formed throughout over 200,000 years. Illuminations are displayed here, creating an even more fantastic space. They can be seen daytime, so it’s fine if you take small children. Rainy days are no problem either. Enjoy the world’s first stalactite cave illuminations that complement the natural sculptures of water and stone of stalactite cave.

Business Hours:

Cave 9:00~18:30 (Last entry18:00)
Restraint 11:00~16:00 (Last order 15:45)
Shop 9:00~18:00

Admission Fees

Child: ¥600

Groups:15+Persons Adult1,080円 Child:540円 

– Child rates are for children between 4 years old to junior high school students Open Year Round / Parking Available


email : tel : 0980-83-1550 address:沖縄県石垣市石垣1666番地

Spots in the cave

In ancient times, this was the sea floor. The movement of the earth’s crust over many years tells the splendor of the stalactites.

God of forest sculpture

This hall 40m long, 20m wide, 6m high

Totoro Stalactite

This is said to resemble Totoro, and the name has stuck. It’s a popular spot for taking a commemorative photo.

The World’s First Cave Illuminations!

The Ishigaki Island Stalactite Cave was formed throughout over 200,000 years. Illuminations are displayed here,


for a memorable experience on your trip!

Sisa paint

Paint your self to make your interior. Fee:¥1,100 / person Approxiamate duration:30min

Tropical Garden

Big palm tree crab and Oogomadara butterflies are welcoming in entrance of Cave
Palm tree crab
photo by Fukuda
Tropical trees and flowers
Oogomadara butterflies
Mango Trees
Banana Trees
Dragon Fruits

Ishigaki Island restaurant

Enjoy the delicious tastes of home cooking at the restaurant!

Yaeyama soba noodles
Grilled Local Wagyu Beef Set Meal
Yaeyama Wagyu Beef Curry Rice

Ishigaki local souvenirs

We sell local products and crafts. For your souvenirs.
Original Ishigaki cave Awamori
Habu snake Awamori

Access map

4km from city center via 208 line. 8 min. from city center. 30 min. from ishigaki airport.
tel : 0980-83-1550
mapcode : 366 063 831*84
Okinawa Ishigaki-city ishigaki 166
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    台風も過ぎ去り、風雨はまだ強いですが 本日7/25(木)9時~ 通常営業いたします。 ご来園の際は、気をつけてお越し下さい。 スタッフ一同お待ちしております。
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    9月3日(日)9:00~通常営業 台風接近により昨日臨時休業でしたが、 本日より、営業を再開いたします。 ご来園をスタッフ一同お待ちしております。
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Group Dining Menu

Reservation required at least 1 week in advance. 

Takeout (Bento) available for orders of 20 or more.